Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Easter Munchings and Crunchings

Hello everyone!

So Easter is fast approaching where I will do nothing but indulge in chocolate, hot cross buns and Easter telly!

Let me show you some of my highlights!

Asda Bunny Crumpets! I know they're a bit of a gimmick, but for £1 for 4 crumpets it's a brilliant way to get you into the Easter mood!. I like to just toast mine lightly with a bit of butter. The butter must be applied when the crumpet is warm so it can ooze into all those scrummy holes!

Hot cross buns. Oh my lord how I love them. If your a hater of raisins you're probably thinking yuck! I know you can get lots of fancy flavours but I prefer the original, and to eat them as is straight out of the packet. My sister loves them cut in half, popped under the grill to toast and bit of butter. Equally as scrummy!

EASTER EGGS! Now me and my best friend Daniel when he used to live with me would love this time of year. I don't do this anymore as the amount of calories is shocking, but we would purchase the £1 Cadburys eggs and chow down. If only I had Dan's metabolism as mine used to go straight to my belly and he could eat them on daily basis with no difference in his svelte physique. But as a Easter Sunday treat they're perfect and at a steal for £1!

Home made chocolate Easter nests. I spotted this idea online and just HAD to do it! Perfect to do with the little ones (even though I am lacking) but just as fun for grown ups! All you need is a large bar of chocolate, Shredded wheat, some cupcake cases and a packet of mini eggs (took me ages to find them in my local shop!)

Now lets start with the how to. First take your chocolate and break into small pieces into a large heat proof bowl

Take a pan and fill with hot water (can be cold and brought to the boil but I feel boiled water from the kettle speeds things along.) place your pan on a hob and keep the water boiling. 

Place the bowl full of chocolate over the pan of hot water ensuring the bowl does not touch the water. This is called a bain marie

Slowly allow the chocolate to melt

Keep mixing the chocolate to make sure you have no chunks left

Once the chocolate has melted take your shredded wheat and break it up slightly before adding to the bowl. Depending on the size of chocolate bar add small quantities at  a time go ensure everything is evenly coated in chocolate.

Once everything is coated in chocolate and you are happy with the ratio of cereal to chocolate you are ready to put them into your cupcake cases

Take a table spoon of the mixture and put it into the cupcake cases

With the spoon create a small well in the middle.

While the chocolate is still melted add the mini eggs into the nest well. I personally like 3 per nest.

Allow to cool and harden and you're done! Keep in an airtight container for around 5 days I'd say and enjoy!

I hope you all have an amazing Easter!

Mybs xxx

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