Saturday, 4 July 2015

Easy Summer Dessert

Hi Everyone

So I don't know about the rest of you out there in the world but the UK is having a heat wave!

Now this is a true rarity, and besides the feeling of wanting to sleep in the car to have air con and having to witness some men who really shouldn't have their shirts off doing so it's been quite nice.

So whilst I'm slowly melting typing this blog post I thought I'd let you guy know about one of my summer desert recipes. It's simple, quick and tasty! 

So lets get started. This is what you will need....

  • 1 Punnet of Strawberries

  • 1tsp Soft Brown Sugar

  • 1 Lime

  • Vanilla Ice Cream

1) Firstly cut off the stem of the strawberries and slice them up. I like to to it from top to bottom as I think it looks prettier. Put all the strawberries into a bowl in leave to one side.

2) Squeeze 1 lime into a separate bowl.

3) Take 1 tsp of the soft brown sugar and add to the lime juice.

4) Stir until the sugar dissolves/mixes well.

5) Add the lime mixture to the strawberries and mix. If you like you can leave the strawberries to soak for a couple of hours either to one side or in the fridge. Stir occasionally to ensure all the strawberries get a chance to soak.

6) Serve a couple of scoops of ice cream and add some of the strawberry mixture. Spoon in some of the liquid too.

Next all you have to do is sit back and enjoy!

This is my favourite summer treat. The acidity of the lime with the sweetness of the ice cream is just so tasty.

Let me know how you get on and if you enjoyed this by leaving a comment below.

Mybbs xx

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