Tuesday, 18 November 2014


Hi Everyone

Have you ever had one of those days, weeks or even months where everything is just rubbish!

Well I've had an awful time recently.

Not particularly in my personal life but in my working life.

I work in a tough sales environment where I had a rubbish month and a half where I was getting NOTHING! 

No matter how many viewings I booked or how much time I spent with my customers I just couldn't get a sale!!!!

Now my livelihood depends on selling otherwise I don't get paid so I was spending hours at work then coming home and literally balling my eyes out and hiding my emotions at work but there's no denying my positivity died.

I was putting on a front at work where I'd walk through the door with a fake smile and putting in so much effort but without much substance.

This all came to a head last week. It started with my 1 to 1 with my manager where I broke down. I was sitting out in the back office balling.

They had noticed I would be sitting at my desk and the negativity was palpable. A girl I work with said on a few occasions that it looked like I was about to cry..... which I was. Luckily she knew what kind of person I am. I keep my mouth shut and plod along feeling unhappy. So she spoke to my manager about how I was feeling because she knows I'm a big scaredy cat.

My problem is I'm so hard on myself that I feel I'll be moved or fired like I've heard many people in my industry have suffered and been forced to do. But with the support of my manager we pinpointed my issues and from that have hopefully solved the problem.

I'm not going to lie I had another good 2 cry's that day and from that my attitude has changed. I feel I'm more positive and from that am now achieving.

So I feel I've learnt that I have to be more honest because positivity is something you can lose by letting the things that are making you feel down fester.

So speak to your friends, your family or like I did my boss to put your mind at rest and bring back your positivity.

Stay strong

Mybs xxx

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